
2023-04-14 14:38:28 来源: 可圈可点组卷




第Ⅰ卷 (选择题, 共65分)


(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。1.A. Is that Tony?

B. It’s Tony.

C. I am sorry to hear that.

2. A. Yes, please.

B. No, thanks.

C. Sure, here you are.

3. A. He’s tall.

B. He likes running.

C. He’s a teacher.

4. A. Good idea.

B. Goodbye.

C. No way.

5. A. OK, I will.

B. Well done.

C. Never mind.

(二) 录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。

6. What did the boy buy for his father?

A. A card.

B. A football.

C. A book.

7. Which tie is the man probably going to choose?

A. The red one.

B. The black one.

C. The blue one.

8. How long did Lucy use to finish the exam?

A. Two hours.

B. An hour.

C. Half an hour.

9. Who can play the guitar?

A. Mike.

B. Helen.

C. Both Mike and Helen.

10. What’s the matter with the woman?

A. She has a sore throat.

B. She has a fever.

C. She has a cold.

(三) 录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有30秒钟的读题时间)

11. When is Steve’s party?

A. On Sunday.

B. On Saturday.

C. Tomorrow.

12. What will Steve do tonight?

A. Call friends.

B. Buy food and drinks.

C. Clean the house.

13. What will Steve and his friends NOT do at the party?

A. Play games.

B. Sing and dance.

C. Watch a movie.

14. Will Steve go shopping?

A. Yes, he will.

B. No, he won’t.

C. We don’t know.

15. Who will clean the house?

A. Steve.

B. Steve and his mom.

C. Steve and his friends.


二、单项选择 (共10小题,计10分)


1. Bing Dwen Dwen a mascot (吉祥物) for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, is so ________ that tens of thousands of people would like to get one.

A. shy

B. cute

C. small

D. heavy

2. —Who isn’t your sister and isn’t your brother, but still a child of your mother and father?

—Haha! It’s ________.

A. me

B. you

C. her

D. him

3. The nap during the lunch break helps us have more _________ in the afternoon.

A. luck

B. wealth

C. energy

D. courage

4. You won’t be allowed to enter the school _________ your temperature is higher than normal.

A. if

B. until

C. though

D. unless

5. Wechat (微信) is widely used in our daily life, but we’d better not ________ requests from strangers.

A. avoid

B. delete

C. accept

D. refuse

6. —Tom, your elder sister is taking an online class. Could you please speak _________?

—OK, Mom.

A. quietly

B. clearly

C. loudly

D. politely

7. —Father’s Day is coming! What are you going to do for your father?

—I will make a short video about his daily life.

—Wow! It’s a ________ idea.

A. boring

B. strange

C. creative

D. difficult

8. The Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve (黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区) is the ________ of more than six million birds.

A. area

B. home

C. house

D. family

9. —Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu have safely come back from space.

—Great! All Chinese _________ them.

A. hear from

B. look after

C. get on with

D. take pride in

10. Dentist: Madam, twenty-five dollars for pulling your son’s tooth, please.

Madam: Twenty-five dollars! But you told me five dollars each patient.

Dentist: Yes. But your son cried so loud. He scared away (吓跑)________ other patients.

A. four

B. five

C. twenty

D. twenty-five




When my sister Becky was young, she was bitten (咬) by a dog. From that day on, she didn’t like dogs. But all of that changed when my uncle had to be away for a week.

My uncle left his dog with us to take care of. The dog’s name was Rex, and he was huge. Poor Rex liked following my sister around very much. She hated that because of her fear of dogs.

One day, to get away from (摆脱) Rex, my sister tied him to a chair in the yard and went for a walk in the forest. She looked back and saw him pulling at his rope (绳), but he still stayed there.

While walking in the forest, Becky suddenly saw some wolves eating a deer(鹿) that had just been killed. Normally, wolves would not attack (攻击) a human, but when they are eating, they can be very dangerous, especially for a child.

Slowly, the wolves began to move towards Becky, making a circle around her. She was close to a tree, so she caught a lower branch (树枝) quickly and tried to climb up the tree. One of the wolves caught her foot. Luckily, she was able to pull herself up, but her foot was badly hurt. She shouted for help, but no one was around. She thought she was going to die. Suddenly, Rex appeared.

There he was, running through the forest, pulling the chair. It was not easy for Rex, but he made his way to Becky in the tree. He attacked the wolves, soon they ran off.

When Becky and Rex got home, everyone was shocked and happy that Rex had saved my sister. He licked (舔) her face as the doctor treated (治疗) her foot.

Now, Rex is my sister’s favorite friend in the world. The doctor told her, “A dog is a man’s best friend.” My sister smiled and added, “And a girl’s best friend, too.”

11. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to (指的是)?

A. A dog bit her.

B. Rex was huge.

C. Rex followed her around.

D. Her uncle left Rex with them.

12. The right order of the following statements is _________.

① Becky shouted for help

② Becky climbed up the tree

③ Becky saw Rex running to her

④ Becky was circled by wolves

A. ②①④③

B. ④②③①

C. ③④②①

D. ④②①③

13. Rex could beat wolves because he wanted to _________.

A. be a hero

B. make Becky happy

C. protect his owner

D. get food from wolves

14. Why did Becky change her attitude to Rex? Because ________.

A. Rex was poor

B. Rex saved her life

C. Rex licked her face

D. Rex attacked the wolves

15. According to the passage, what will most probably happen next?

A. Becky will often play with Rex.

B. Becky will never go to the forest.

C. Becky would like Rex not to follow her.

D. Becky will return Rex to her uncle happily.


I’m good in school. I do my work and study a lot, but for some reason, I have a very bad habit of losing things.

Last summer, I was on vacation with my family at the beach. On the first day, my father gave me a watch to take the place of the one I had lost the year before. “You need to have a watch, so take good care of this one,” he said.

The next day, I went swimming. The sun was shining on the water. The water was warm and beautiful. I swam. I floated (漂浮). I dove (潜水). I really enjoyed being in the water.

By the time I returned to beach, I was quite tired so I lay down. At that moment, I remembered my watch and looked to see what time it was. But it was gone! I searched all afternoon, but I could not find it.

That night at dinner, I arrived with my sleeves (衣袖) pulled down, hoping no one would notice that I didn’t have my watch.

My sister asked, “What time is it?”

“Ask Tom,” my mother said. “He has the expensive new watch.”

Dad looked at me and said, “Don’t tell me that you’ve lost the watch already!”

“No!” I said. I was sweating (出汗) with great fear. I knew I was going to be caught in a terrible lie (谎言). Just then, there was an announcement,“Ladies and gentlemen, a very nice watch was found on the beach today. If you lost one and can identify (确认) it, please come to the front desk.”

Immediately (立刻), I knew what I had to do. I slowly got up, with my whole family staring at me. I went to the desk. There it was. The watch was not broken. It was still working.

I walked back to the table, sat down and said in a low voice, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell the truth.” My family smiled. They knew that I had finally learned my lesson.

16. Tom’s father gave him a new watch because Tom _________.

A. needed one

B. was on vacation

C. disliked his old one

D. behaved well at school

17. What did Tom do when he found the watch was gone?

A. He told his father about that.

B. He asked the front desk for help.

C. He spent all afternoon searching for it.

D. He did nothing and continued lying on the beach.

18. How might Tom feel after saying “No”?

A. Upset.

B. Worried.

C. Relaxed.

D. Disappointed.

19. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Tom studies hard.

B. Tom swims well.

C. Tom always tells lies.

D. Tom often loses things.

20. What does the underlined word “lesson” in the last sentence refer to?

A. Take good care of our things.

B. It’s important to listen to parents.

C. We should excuse others’ mistakes.

D. Face mistakes bravely rather than telling lies.


Do you know you have more than 600 muscles (肌肉) in your body? These muscles have different jobs. Keeping your muscles healthy will help you be able to walk, run, jump and do all the things you love to do.

What kind of muscles do you have

When you think about your muscles, you probably think about the ones you can control. These are your voluntary (随意的) muscles. They are connected to your bones (骨骼) and work together with your bones to help you walk, run, pick up things or ride a bicycle. The muscles of your mouth and throat even help you talk! But there are also muscles you can’t control. They are your involuntary (不随意的) muscles, such as your heart muscle and smooth muscles.

Why are healthy muscles important

Healthy muscles let you move freely and keep your body strong. They also help to keep your joints (关节) in good shape. If the muscles around your knee, for example, get weak, you will more probably injure (伤害) that knee. Healthy muscles also help you keep your balance, so you less probably fall.

How do you keep your muscles healthy

·Get at least 60 minutes of physical exercise every day. There are lots of activities you can do for your muscles. Walking, jumping, dancing and swimming are all good ways.

·Eat healthily. It will help manage your weight and provide different kinds of nutrients (营养素) for your muscles and health. For example, if you don’t get enough iron, you may feel weak and tired, because your muscles don’t get enough oxygen (氧气).

·Prevent injuries. There are many ways to help prevent muscle injuries. For example, doing warm-up exercises before exercising may make the muscles warmer. Don’t try to “play through the pain.” If something starts to hurt, STOP exercising or playing. When you lift something heavy, keep your back straight and bend (弯曲) your knees to lift it. This will protect the muscles in your back. Remember to drink lots of water while exercising, especially in warm weather. If your body’s water level gets too low, you could get dizzy (晕眩的) or even pass out.

21. Which of the following muscles are involuntary muscles?

A. Leg muscles.

B. Mouth muscles.

C. Throat muscles.

D. Smooth muscles.

22. If the muscles around your knee are weak, you could _________.

A. pass out

B. get dizzy

C. injure the joint there

D. feel weak and tired

23. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. If your legs start to hurt, keep on exercising.

B. Eating healthily can only manage your weight.

C. Walking can give your muscles good exercise.

D. Lifting heavy things can’t injure your back muscles.

24. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?

A. Different kinds of muscles.

B. The way to treat injured muscles.

C The way to have healthy muscles.

D. The importance of healthy muscles.

25. We may find this passage _________.

A. in a health magazine

B. on a music website

C. in a travel newspaper

D. in a geography book


In modern times, we get our weather report scientifically. The meteorologists(气象学家) use information from satellites (卫星) to tell us what the weather will be like. They make predictions about the weather for today, tomorrow and even for the whole season. Will it rain? Will it snow? Will it be hot or will it be a long and cold winter?

But what did people do before modern technology? Well, not so long ago, people lived much closer to nature. Using the power of observation (观察), humans made predictions about the weather according to what was happening in the insect world. Sometimes their predictions were correct, and sometimes they weren’t.

My grandfather spent his whole life as a farmer in Canada. He is long gone now. But I still remember his stories about how to predict the weather. For example, in summer, he would often stop to observe the anthills — those little sandy mounds (沙堆) at the entrance (入口) to the ants’ nest.

“Look closely at the anthills in July,” Grandpa used to say. “If the anthills are high in July, expect a snowy winter.” Of course, as a kid, I believed my grandfather. But you know what? The anthills are often correct. Not always, but often enough to make me a believer.

In September, Grandpa would often point out a woolly caterpillar (毛毛虫) in a sunny location, “Observe the orange circle around its belly (腹部). If it’s wide and full, we’re sure to have a warm and easy winter. If it’s thin, be careful! The winter will be severe.”

I am older now. I get my weather mostly from the television or radio. Scientists hardly get it wrong. After all, they have the latest scientific instruments to help them.

But I still stop to observe the anthills in July, and of course, the woolly caterpillars in September. The older generation (老一辈) can teach us many things. My grandfather was not a meteorologist, but he knew a lot about insects and the weather.

26. ________ can help us predict the weather more correctly.

A. Satellites

B. Anthills

C. Woolly caterpillars

D. Televisions or radios

27. According to Grandpa’s experience, if the anthills are high in July, maybe it will be ________.

A. a rainy winter

B. a snowy winter

C. a long and cold winter

D. a warm and easy winter

28. Which word can replace (替代) the underlined word “severe” ?

A. hot

B. warm

C. cool

D. cold

29. In the last paragraph, the writer thinks _________.

A. we should only listen to the meteorologists

B. his grandpa knew more than the meteorologists

C. we needn’t observe the insects to predict the weather

D. his grandpa’s ways to predict the weather are still helpful

30. Which would be a good title for this passage?

A The power of observation

B. Weather according to insects

C. Weather report in modern times

D. Different ways to make predictions

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题, 共55分)

四、听力填表 (共5小题,计5分)


Note: “double reduction” policy [?d?bl] [r??d?k??n][?p?l?s?] “双减”政策


五、动词填空 (共10小题,计10分)


It was around 3 o’clock p.m. on Sunday. Gina ____31____ (play) basketball with her brother Bill outside when she saw a car stop in front of Jenny’s house. Jenny jumped out of the car, and Gina could hear a lot of voices laughing and saying goodbye to Jenny. The car ____32____ (drive) away and Jenny jumped to her front door. Gina felt terribly uncomfortable, and her eyes started to water.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Bill asked.

“Nothing. I don’t want to play anymore.” Gina stormed inside and slammed (砰地关上) the door. She went straight to her room. Gina ____33____ (hear) Bill talking to her mom in the living room, but she didn’t want to talk to anyone.

“Gina, are you OK?” her mom asked. “What ________ you ____34____ (do) inside, my dear? May I come in?”

Gina opened the door. Her mom always had some good ideas to help her.

“What’s going on, Gina?” Mom asked.

“Jenny went somewhere with our friends, but she didn’t invite me,” Gina said. “That’s not very nice. After all, we ____35____ (be) friends for nearly 5 years.”

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I will be pretty upset too if I ____36____ (feel) left out. Maybe Jenny knew that you wouldn’t like what they were going to do,” Mom suggested. “Why don’t you talk with Jenny on Monday?”

“I don’t want to talk to her. I ____37____ (leave) her out.”

“Well ...sometimes ignoring(忽视) another person is a good choice, but I don’t think this is the right time to do that. You might lose Jenny as a friend if you make such a choice without ____38____ (talk) about it with her,” replied Mom.

“I still want Jenny to be my friend, but talking about it is uncomfortable. I just expect her ____39____ (know) what’s wrong and say she’s sorry.”

“That might happen, but it might not. I really think talking to her about how you feel is the best way.”

“OK, Mom, I will. Thanks,” Gina said.

And guess what? Gina’s mom was right! A new snake show ____40____ (hold) that day. Jenny knew Gina didn’t like snakes, so she didn’t invite her.

Gina was glad she had talked to Jenny to solve the problem.

六、综合填空 (共10空,计10分)


“Ugh, meat pie again? I h____41____ meat pie!” Matt shouted. “I won’t eat it!”

Matt’s mom and dad looked at each other. Matt’s angry outbursts (爆发) were always happening this month.

“ Matt we’re going to let you take over (接管) dinnertime from now on,” Mom said.

“Well, we’re going to eat g___42___ food every night!” Matt answered happily.

The next day, Dad helped Matt make the meal plan. “We’re going to have chicken tonight, and spaghetti tomorrow, ” Matt started.

“Woah, wait a minute,” Dad said. “What else are we going to have with the chicken? We need to have at least one v___43___ with each meal.”

“We can have cabbage,” Matt said.

“Sophia does not like cabbage,” said Dad.

“Well, it’s my choice, s___44___ I’m going to cook it,” Matt replied.

“OK, but she might complain (抱怨) at dinner. Are you ready for that? ” Dad asked.

“Yeah, maybe,” Matt answered.

Almost every time Matt picked something out, his dad would tell him that someone wouldn’t like it. It was very frustrating (令人懊恼的).

“This is impossible!” Matt said angrily.

“Yes, it is hard. Everyone has d___45___ tastes, and sometimes, we just can’t please (使满意) everyone.”

“Fine, we’ll go with this plan this week. Next week I’ll try to make everyone happy,” replied Matt.

It was time for Matt to make his f___46___ meal, so his parents both came to help him. He hadn’t cooked before. It took almost an hour to make dinner. He was tired and hungry, but he was so proud of h___47___—he made dinner!

“Ew, this rice tastes strange,” Sophia said. Matt took a bite. It did taste a little strange. But he’d worked so hard! He felt like he might c___48___.

“I don’t like cabbage,” shouted Sophia. Matt realized then how his parents must feel every time he complained about dinner. It was impossible to make sure e___49___ liked every part of every meal!

“I’m sorry, Sophia. I’m sorry, Mom and Dad. I shouldn’t have shouted at you about dinner all the time. I don’t want to take over dinner anymore, I won’t complain,” Matt said.

“Thank you, Matt,” Mom and Dad said. Dad continued, “We’ll take back dinner responsibilities. You can offer some help if you like!” Matt felt a lot better. He happily finished his dinner and n____50____ complained about a meal again.

七、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分)


Firefighting (消防) is an important job to keep people safe and help stop fires from damaging(毁坏)too much property(财产).

There are many important parts to be a firefighter. First of all, firefighters have to be strong enough to do their work, so they need to have physical training, such as carrying heavy objects, going up many stairs (楼梯), and working for a long time. Firefighters also have to know the latest skills in fighting fires, so they need to go through regular training to keep themselves and others safe. Anyway, the most important part of being a firefighter is to work as a team. They have to work together to stop fires!

Firefighting is very stressful. Firefighters never know when a fire or other emergency (紧急情况) is going to happen, so they have to be ready at all times. 3 Even in the middle of the night, firefighters have to be able to wake up quickly when the alarm (警报) goes off.

Firefighters don’t just fight house fires. They also help people who are in accidents. For example, they use their special tools to help get people out of the cars if they’re stuck (卡住). In some places, firefighters also have to be prepared to help people who are sick or injured (受伤的). These firefighters might be trained as nursing staff.

4 Firefighters are always there to help us whenever there’s an emergency. Firefighting is not easy, but if you like helping people, it might be a good job for you!

A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。

51. According to the passage, what are the three important parts of being a firefighter?


52. According to the passage, who will ask firefighters for help when there is not a fire happening?


B. 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。

53. _______________________________

54. _______________________________


55. _______________________________

八、书面表达 (共1题,计20分)

56. 在我们的生活中,有些事情看起来很难完成,但是通过我们个人的努力或别人的帮助等,我们做到了。请以“I made it”为题,写一篇100词左右的英语短文。


1. 你做到了什么事情;

2. 你是如何做到的;

3. 做完后你的感受或收获。


1. 短文中不得出现考生真实姓名、学校及其他相关信息。

2. 照抄试卷内容不得分。





1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C

6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A


11. C 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. A

16. A 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. A

21. D 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. A

26. A 27. B 28. D 29. D 30. D



31. was playing 32. drove 33. heard

34. are; doing 35. have been

36. feel 37. will leave 38. talking

39. to know 40. was held


41. (h)ate 42. (g)ood 43. (v)egetable

44. (s)o 45. (d)ifferent

46. (f)irst 47. (h)imself 48. (c)ry

49. (e)verybody/(e)veryone 50. (n)ever


51. Firefighters have to be strong enough, know the latest skills in fighting fires and work as a team.

52. People who are in accidents and people who are sick or injured will ask firefighters for help.

53. 甚至在半夜,消防员也必须能够在警报响起时迅速醒来。

54. 每当有紧急情况,消防队员总是在那里帮助我们。

55. Firefighters.

八、书面表达 (共1题,计20分)

I made it

Since I went to the middle school, my English grades have gone down rapidly. I felt very disappointed. And I didn’t know the way to improve my English grades.

“Never give up,” my father said to me. “Look for the methods which belong to you.” After hearing these, I decided to make a studying plan about improving my English. With my father’s help, I made a plan. The plan included doing some English reading, watching English news and so on. Since I made up the plan, I have followed the details of the plan. The following exam was coming. That time I became self-confident. I got nearly full marks. This made me very happy because I defeated myself. My parents congratulated me on this. And they said that they were proud of me.

From then on, I have become more and more confident, and I am determined to continue to try my best to study English as well as other subjects.







2021年海南中考英语试题答案 2021海南中考英语试题



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