The chart gives us an overall picture of the __________(图表主题). The first thing we notice is that_______________(图表最大特点). This means that __________,(进一步说明).
We can see from the statistics given that ___________(图表细节一). After v-ing_________(细节一中的第一个变化), the ____ (紧跟着的变化:幅度+时间). The figures also tells us that______________________(图表细节二). (数据位置,如In the second column), we can see that ____________accounts for _______(进一步描述).
Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that___________(结论). The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that_____________(给出原因). / It is high time that we should _________ (发出倡议)
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